Point 01, v. Troyanovo, Marica-Iztok

Point 01, v. Trayanovo, Marica-Iztok - Measurement of particulate matters with size up to 10μm (measured in real time). Red lines on the plot are presenting limit values for particulate matters in the atmosphere: - Average Day and Night Limit for human health preserving – for particles with size up to 10 µm – from 50 µg/m3 (presented in the plot in mg/ m3, which is corresponding to value from 0,05 mg/m3) Those particulate matters limit values are set in Ordinance No. 2, from 15.07.2010 – for limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matters, lead, benzene, carbon monoxide, and ozone in the atmosphere (published in State Gasette 58 from 30.07.2010, valid from 30.07.2010)